Praise – The Lord Jesus deserves extravagant praise. He is worthy of not only individual
adoration, but also parades of praise, which fill our city streets. The March for Jesus is exactly
that, a march for Jesus. On the day of the March, we leave our denominational differences behind
and come together to lavish all our praise upon Jesus.

Prayer – Each March concludes with a Prayer Rally, where believers join to intercede for our
cities and for the unreached peoples of the world. As we march on the streets and feel God’s
compassion, prayer is the most natural and effective response to the needs we see.
Proclamation – Not only are we to praise God – we also are to be proclaimers of His truth. By
our presence on the streets, we bless the city with the good news that Jesus has risen. God’s truth
is proclaimed in a lively way – believers march with colorful banners and balloons, waving flags
and wearing smiles.

Unity – Believers of all ages, races, denominations, and affiliations come together to lift up their
highest common denominator: Jesus. Each group brings its distinct personality to the March.
There is room for everyone in the family of faith, and the March is a celebration of our Lord by
the whole family.

Denominational Reconciliation – Walls of suspicion, division, and indifference are sometimes
erected between fellowships in a city. March for Jesus allows an opportunity for these fellowships
to be reconciled as the entire body of Christ in a city gathers. Jesus said that the world would
know that we are His disciples by our love for one another. The March gives us a chance to show
this love as we leave secondary differences behind us and come together to worship Jesus.

Racial Reconciliation – Everyday, headlines tell of the racial conflicts and tensions in our cities.
During the March, forgiveness is offered and received in powerful, public ways. Such displays
vividly demonstrate that we can live in peace with each other, only by the power of the Prince of

Repentance – By repenting from past and present sins, we experience a new sense of compassion
and humility. These public confessions break curses over our cities and release God’s blessings.
We become obedient to 2 Chronicles 7:14: “If My people, who are called by my name, will
humble themselves and pray and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and
will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

Humility – Jesus rode into town on Palm Sunday on a gentle donkey. We can give him the same
kind of vehicle by marching with humility. Our praise is celebrative and extravagant, but never
brash or demanding. The world marches to demand its rights above all else and to grab attention
with its “in-your-face” tactics, but we are marching for Jesus and with His humility.

Spiritual Warfare – We realize that “Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the
rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces
of evil in the heavenly realms” (Ephesians 6:12). As our collective gaze remains fixed on Jesus,
God can trample Satan and his strongholds under our feet.

Preparation for Personal Evangelism – The March creates a climate in which those who yet believe
can be drawn to Jesus. As we publicly lift up Jesus, He draws people to Himself. The March also
presents the church to the world as a vital and relevant force. By boldly declaring our faith in
such a positive way, shame is broken and Christians are stirred to be more than silent witnesses.

March for Jesus is Not a Protest – Protests are sometimes necessary since our message of truth
often confronts the world’s values. But the specific purpose of this occasion is to positively declare
who we are for, not what we are against.

March for Jesus is Not Issues-Oriented – No matter how passionately we feel about an issue,
Jesus remains center stage during the march. We exclude causes we disagree with as well as the
ones we believe in. We can exalt worthy causes or condemn worthless ones on other days of the

March for Jesus is Not Personality-Oriented – There are many men and women who are worthy
of our respect, but on this day all recognition, honor and thanks go to Jesus. He is the Name above
all names!