Organizing Your Church

There are many levels someone can be involved in March for Jesus.

It is our goal to reach as many local churches as possible, but I am sure we will not get to them all. If your church has not mentioned the “March,” or if you are a church leader and you would like to be involved, please know you are welcome to be a part. We welcome all who want to put aside personal, political, racial and church agendas to focus on bringing an offering of praise before the Lord. He is worthy!

It is important for us to know who is coming. If your local congregation is planning to be involved as a church please fill the form below and send it.

If you are a pastor or church leader, or someone who needs more information, you can contact the organizer by email or phone. Make sure you leave a message if it goes to voice mail. Go to “Contact” for contact information.

If you are involved in a church and want to get your church involved, share the information on this site with church leadership. If they approve, use the contact info form below and let us know your church will be involved. If you would like for the organizer to reach out to your Pastor, email his contact information and include your name as a reference and someone will contact them. Otherwise, you will be sent by email all the information needed.

We suggest sharing the MFJ video below with the congregation. This will give them a greater understanding of what the MFJ is all about. We also have brochures and flyers that can be printed and shared with your church or friends.

If you are not the pastor of your church, ask your pastor to appoint a church contact person be the MFJ march church coordinator. As Church Coordinator they will keep your pastor and church congregation informed concerning “March” plans and needs.

Encourage your congregation to make flags or banners that lift up the name of Jesus. No other slogans or church banners please. The Christian flag is fine.

Make sure to bring your personal fluids as we will not be selling any.

As we organize, we will need volunteers for various tasks. Sharing those needs with your congregation (pastors permission needed) can be a great help with organizing the “March.”

Please remember, this is an event that brings believers together in the unity of the Spirit. We have no agenda but one. That is to glorify our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Your information will not be shared in any way is our promise.

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